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In 2015, URBAN GREEN MAKERS was developed with the mission of bringing more green products into our world. By giving trees and other green items to disaster-affected areas in Japan, Philippines, Africa and Bangladesh, Takuma Nitta hopes to start a global brand that can bridge the gap between people's lives and the environment. It is UGM's mission for everyone to feel connected to nature.

Kits are carefully selected with multiple different variations of materials to offer a go-to solution for DIY Terrarium Kits. With most of the components made in Japan, UGM terrarium kits are the highest quality available.  

What we love about UGM:

-The cool sophisticated packaging of the kits and the DIY satisfaction the product gives.  

-Every style comes with a free tester so you do not have to lose any margin to show your customers what they are buying.  The buildout of your testers is quick and easy and it gets your sales staff interacting with the product, another plus! 

-There is always a bit (actually more than a bit) of extra tester kit materials, so get creative and make some additional free or low cost products by purchasing some mason jars or other holding vessel for the materials.